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Emerging Trends in Management
Practices (A Case Study)
156 pages/PLC
Publishing Year
Author Name
Bindu Sharma
1. A Study of Factors Affecting the Satisfaction Level
in E–Banking; 2. Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS): A
Critical Analysis of Application on Indian Outsourcing
Industry; 3. A Comprehensive Analysis and Survey
of the Development of Mutation Testing and Higher
Order Mutation; 4. Analytical Study of Short Strangle
Strategy for CNX Nifty Index Options of the National
Stock Exchange (NSE), India; 5. A Study to Known
the Awareness of E-Tax Filing Among Woman
Academicians: Delhi and NCR Region; 6. Talent
Management Strategies and Trends at WNS: A Trainee’s
Perspective; 7. To Examine if there is an Association
Among the “Reasons for Brand Switching” Among
Major Metro Cities in India; 8. Impact of Training
and Development on Employees Performance: A
Comparative Study; 9. Banking Online Frauds: An
Indian Perceptive; 10. E-commerce: Opportunities and
Challenges; 11. A Study of Challenges of SME Business Financing: MUDRA Bank; 12. The Role of Packaging of
any Product Reflects the Sales Promotion to Ultimate
Sale; 13. Cyber Security and Cyber Law Topic-Cyber
Warfare and Cyber Terrorism; 14. An FMCG GAINT:
Case Study of Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd. 15. Linking
Emotional Intelligence and Work Life Balance: A
Review of Literature; 16. Tier II and Tier III Cities:
Accelerators to Growth of Economy.
About the Author
Bindu Sharma Associate Professor–Management, Delhi
Metro Politan, Education, Noida, U.P.
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