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Environmental Jurisprudence in India
280 pages/HB
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Prof. (Dr.) Bhavish Gupta
1. Modern Environmental Protection: Enclosure
of Social Work and Insertion of Responsibilities;
2. E-Waste and its Disposal: A New Mandate to the
India; 3. Environmental Legislation: A Perspective
Case Study on Indian Environmental Law; 4. Seeking
the Goal of Environment Protection and Sustainable
Development in India through CSR Adapted under
Jurisprudence in India; 6. Environment and the Impact of Globalisation; 7. Environment has Basic Human
Rights: The Impact of Judicial Pronouncements in
Promoting Environmental Jurisprudence in India;
8. Limitations of International Environmental Law
in Developing India; 9. Judicial Activism to Judicial
Adventurism to Protect Environment: In the Context of
Expansive Meaning ofArticle 21 ofIndianConstitution;
10. An Approach to Sustainable Development by
Ensuring Effective Enforcement of Environmental
Laws in India; 11. Right to Environment: Indian
Secenario vis-a-vis International Laws; 12. The Green
Path: Equity through Differentiation; 13. The Impact of
Judicial Pronouncements in Promoting Environmental
Concerns; 14. India's Struggle in Maintaining a Balance
betweentheConceptofDevelopment andEnvironment:
A Beginning; 15. Reality of Rushed Environmental
Clearances under the EIA Notification, 2006: Analysis
of SEIAA's Duty While Granting Environmental
Clearance; 16. Social Work and Work of NGO's and
Participation of Corporate Social Responsibility in
Protection of Environmental Pollution; 17. Social Work
and the Role of NGOs and Community Participation
including Corporate Social Responsibility in Protection
of Environment; 18. Environment Jurisprudence:
Government Initiatives for Conservation of Unity in
Diversity; 19. Environmental Laws and Public Policy
in India: A Critical Review; 20. Critical Analysis
of Steps Taken in India for Protection of Wildlife;
21. Role of Judiciary for Protection of Environment in
India; 22. The Role of Indian Judiciary in Protection of
Environment in India.
About the Author
Prof. (Dr.) Bhavish Gupta Director (Officiating),
Delhi Metro Politan, Education, Noida, U.P.
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