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Sustainable Development in Digital
Era: Issues & Challenges (Vision 2030)
266 pages/HB
Publishing Year
Author Name
Dr. Aparna Mishra,
Dr. Vikas Dahiya, Dr. Kamni
Tandon and Nishi Malhotra
Section-I: Contemporary Issues
1. Contribution of Stakeholders in Promoting Tourism
in Har-ki-dun Valley: A Sustainable Approach;
2. Understanding Challenges in Disaster Management
to Mitigate the Impacts of Natural Disasters on
Tourism Industry: A Conceptual Framework; 3. Green
Business Management: Emerging Economic Scenario
in India; 4. Generating a Minimum Inventory Level for
the Distributor: A Case Study; 5. ICT in Education –
Teacher Acceptance and Institutional Factors, Resulting
Better Student Learning in Schools in Delhi NCR;
6. Internet Act as an Ocean of Information: A Survey of
UG Level Students; 7. Role of ICT in Foreign Language
Teaching and Learning: Scope and Limitations
Section-II: Finance
8. Theoretical Comparative Analysis of the Basel
Accords: A Journey from Basel 1 to Basel 3;
9. Performance Analysis of Derivatives Market at BSE
and NSE in the Digital Era; 10. Demonetization & its
Impact; 11. Housing Finance for Financially Excluded:
Opportunities and Threats for Commercial Banks;
12. Adoption of E-Banking in Digital Era: Issues &
Section-III: Human Resources
13. Impact of Human Resource Information System on
HR Functions of the Organizations; 14. Electronic Role
of Human Resource Management in Organization: A
New Perspective; 15. Comparative Analysis of Locus of Control of Male and Female in Banking Sector;
16. Study on Talent Management Practices Across
Indian IT Sector; 17. Work – Life Balance of Women
Executives: A Comparative Study in SBI and ICICI
Section-IV: Marketing
18. Internet Banking Services and its Perception with
Customers with Special Reference to Gwalior District
(M.P.); 19. Sustainable Marketing and its Related Issues;
20. You Tube: An Effective Marketing Tool in 21st
About the Author
Dr. Aparna MishraAssociate Professor in Banarsidas
Chandiwala Institute of professional Studies.
Dr. Vikas Dahiya Associate Professor in Banarsidas
Chandiwala Institute of professional Studies.
Dr. Kamni Tandon Assistant Professor in Banarsidas
Chandiwala Institute of professional Studies.
Nishi Malhotra Assistant Professor in Banarsidas
Chandiwala Institute of professional Studies.
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