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Organizational Development and Intervention Techniques
304 pages
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Dr. Davinder Sharma
1. An Introduction to Organization Development, 2. Definitions of Organization Development, 3. A History of Organization Development, 4. Values Assumptions & Beliefs in OD, 5. Foundations of Organization Development, 6. Managing The OD Process, 7. Action Research and Organization Development, 8. OD Interventions, 9. Team Interventions, 10. Intergroup and Third-Party Peacemaking Interventions, 11. Comprehensive OD Interventions, 12. Structural Interventions and the Applicability Of OD, 13. Training Experiences, 14. Issues in Consultant-Client Relationships, 15. The Future and Organization Development, 16. Globalization and Organizational Change and Development, 17. Organizational Culture and Change Initiative at State Bank of India (SBI), 18. Change Management Strategies, 19. TQM Practices and Organizational Change, 20. Future of OD in VUCA World, 21. Grid OD, 22. Case Studies, •  References
About the Author
Dr. Davinder Sharma, Ph.D. (Commerce); Masters in Personnel Management, LLB, B.Com (Hons.), is Associate Professor of Human Resource and Labor Law with the Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, (affiliates to GGSIP University, Delhi), Dwarka, New Delhi. He has more than 20 years of experience in academics and industry. A Life Member of the All India Management Association and the Indian Society for Training and Development. Dr. Sharma has published several research papers In national and international journals.His core teaching and research areas areHuman Resource Management, Performance Management, Compensation Management, Team Building and Group Dynamics, Industrial Relations and Labour Laws.
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