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Industrial Management
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Dr. Anju Bharti, Dr. Charu Mohla
1. Industrial Relations: Concept, Scope and Objectives; 2. Factors Affecting Industrial Relations in Changing Environment; 3. Role of State, Employers’ Organization and Trade Unions in Industrial Relations; 4. Collective Bargaining; 5. Workers Participation in Management; 6. Labour Legislations: Factory Legislations (Acts); 7. International Labour Organisation; 8. Trade Unionism; 9. Trade Union Act, 1926; 10. Work Study: Role In Industrial Management; 11. Work Measurement; 12. Quality Management, Quality Control and Control Charts; 13. Total Quality Management and its Components; 14. Six Sigma: Tools for Process Improvement; • Previous Year’s Examination Question Papers.
About the Author
Dr. Anju Bharti, (PhD, MBA, M.Phil.,, is presently working as an Assistant Professor (Senior) at Department of Management, MBA, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Rohini, Delhi, affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University from last 13 years. She is doctorate in management and has worked extensively in area of cold chain management of frozen food. She has a rich corporate experience of 10 years at a leading giant Pharmaceuticals, Glaxosmithkline Beecham. She has also worked as an Editor-in-chief of IJMSE, IGI Global, eEditorial Discovery, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. Her area of expertise is in the field of Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Advertising and Brand Management, Management of International Business, CSR, Human Values and Ethics, Industrial Management and Environment Science. She has co-authored 2 books and published 56 papers in National and International journals. She has presented papers in various International and National conferences and other forums and reviewed papers of reputed journals. Dr. Charu Mohla, (PhD, UGC-NET, MBA), is presently working as an Assistant Professor (Senior) with Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi with 15+ years of teaching experience. She holds PhD Degree in Human Resource Management from University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. She has keen interest in the areas of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations. She has 15+ papers published/presented in National and International Journals and at various conferences to her credit.
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