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Personal Finance and Planning
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Dr. Rajni
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL PLANNING 1. Financial Goals, 2. Financial Planning, 3. Time Value of Money, 4. Personal Loan, 5. Saving and Management of Spending, 6. Net Banking and UPI, 7. Digital Wallet, 8. Security and Precaution against Financial and Online Frauds. UNIT-II: INVESTMENT PLANNING 9. Investment Planning, 10. Analysis of Return and Risk, 11. Portfolio Analysis and Selection, 12. Real Estate, 13. Financial Derivatives and Commodity Market in India, 14. Mutual Fund Scheme in India. UNIT-III: PERSONAL TAX PLANNING 15. Tax Structure in India, 16. Tax Planning, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion, 17. Income Tax Allowances and Deductions. UNIT-IV: INSURANCE PLANNING 18. Insurance Planning, 19. Life Insurance, 20. Health Insurance, 21. Disability Insurance, 22. Property Insurance, 23. Non-Life Insurance/General Insurance. UNIT-V: RETIREMENT PLANNING 24. Retirement Planning, 25. Pension Plans in India, 26. Reverse Mortgage. • Reference and Bibliography; • Present and Future Value Table
About the Author
Dr. Rajni is an Assistant professor in Bharati College, University of Delhi. She has awarded his Ph.D in Finance from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi and has teaching experience of 18 years. She has contributed many research papers in national and International Conference and seminar. She is a life member of Indian Econometric Society. Her research interests are Financial Management, Investment Management, Capital Markets and Financial Services. She has authored a book on Financial Institutions and Financial market.
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